
In 2022, choosing sites for new communities or facilities requires you to think about energy: price volatility, system resilience, and the importance of your ESG goals. Distributed renewables should be part of your diligence. We can help.

Off-Grid Mining

Advances in renewable energy generation and storage are a potential game-changer for off-grid mineral development. All the more-so as the forward-looking supply-demand dynamics of fossil energy become more fraught.


Supplementing centralized power production with renewable generation and storage can reduce peak charges, increase resilience, stabilize costs, and support community and economic development goals

Tourist Resorts

Remote resorts in pristine locations can reduce power charges and increase resilience with their own renewable energy. As s2e has demonstrated, in such settings, renewable energy assets can blend in beautifully.

Industrial/Commercial Facilities

For businesses running energy-intensive facilities, peak load cost shaving and improved energy resilience are within reach – often by using nothing more than the roof-space for renewable energy generation.

Let’s talk

At s2e we’ve been working in renewable energy technology for decades. We have the team and resources to bring you a distinctive and easy-to-engage distributed energy solution

Email: microgrids@s2etech.com

Tel: +1 (519) 664-3636

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