Parks, notParking Lots
Parks, notParking Lots
Parks, not Parking Lots
Innovations such as carousel parking within sustainable communities allows for more park-like green spaces where parking lots would otherwise dominate.

Car-based land use dominates most urban landscapes today, but it doesn’t have to be that way forever. Our research has shown that potential homebuyers value natural, open spaces. A new approach to meet our parking needs can deliver community benefits for improved recreation, social interaction and mental health.
With 7-Gen Communities, we aim to take back the landscape that is typically surrendered to stationary vehicles.
Through an exclusive partnership, we’re introducing to North America the carousel parking stations used today in Korea, Japan, Taiwan and Singapore. These compact mechanical towers lift and stack vehicles, enabling developers to recover land for green uses.
Through redesign, certification and manufacturing in North America, we’re adapting this technology to the form-factors of North American vehicles. Adding in roboticized electric vehicle charging makes this a forward-looking technology.
See the principle of Parks, not Parking Lots in action through our Low-Footprint Parking projects.

Now imagine what a typical parking lot could become —gardens, wildlife, natural beauty, and social-gathering places.

Principles for Sustainable Communities

Distributed energy systems powered by renewable energy sources can supply communities and feed energy back to a centralized grid to meet peak needs.

The use and efficiency of one of our most precious resources, water, is given careful attention in our 7-Gen Communities.

Our innovative approach to reducing embodied carbon is a key aspect of building sustainable communities.

Designing sustainable transportation options to reduce the carbon footprint of communities.

Innovations such as carousel parking within sustainable communities allows for the use of park-like green spaces where parking lots once dominated.

Building sustainable communities using renewable energy sources and green building methods for low operational carbon impacts.

We aim to restore disturbed land, creating new urban assets with minimal disruption of foodland and natural habitats.