Energy Resilience Features

Energy Resilience

Energy Resilience Features

Distributed energy systems powered by renewable energy sources can supply communities and feed energy back to a centralized grid to meet peak needs.

Our distributed energy systems power our communities, and connect with the centralized energy grid, reducing carbon intensity and adding back-up resilience to the energy infrastructure.

What works today will become more essential as electric vehicle sales continue to surge. Car-charging needs will place additional demand on an aging energy infrastructure.

Distributed energy systems, complemented by battery energy storage, can provide an answer for a more stable energy supply.

We’re actively exploring new technology in this area. s2e has a long history of collaborating with universities and Federal government agencies to pilot implementations on the front-edge of energy resilience.

See the principle of Energy Resilience in action through our microgrid projects.

s2e has a long history of research collaborations.

Principles for Sustainable Communities

Energy Resilience Features

Distributed energy systems powered by renewable energy sources can supply communities and feed energy back to a centralized grid to meet peak needs.

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Water-Conserving Design

The use and efficiency of one of our most precious resources, water, is given careful attention in our 7-Gen Communities.

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Low-Carbon Construction

Our innovative approach to reducing embodied carbon is a key aspect of building sustainable communities.

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Low-Carbon Transportation

Designing sustainable transportation options to reduce the carbon footprint of communities.

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Parks, not Parking

Innovations such as carousel parking within sustainable communities allows for the use of park-like green spaces where parking lots once dominated.

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Low-Carbon Operations

Building sustainable communities using renewable energy sources and green building methods for low operational carbon impacts.

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Minimal Agricultural Displacement

We aim to restore disturbed land, creating new urban assets with minimal disruption of foodland and natural habitats.

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Energy Resilience Features
Energy Resilience Features
Low-Carbon Construction
Low-Carbon Construction
Low-Carbon Construction


A Trusted Partner for7-Gen CommunitiesTM

We invite investors, developers, technology providers, and government representatives to participate in our 7-Gen projects.