Decarbonizing Mining

on a Deadline.

Are metals miners the problem or the
solution to climate change?
The answer is: Yes.

The Problem

A global conversion to renewables will require mountains of new materials. And Ideas.

Some of this production can be sourced close to clean electricity grids – but not nearly enough. For the rest – miners need innovation to reduce reliance on diesel, and reduce the emissions impact of their operations.

Every mining company understands this reality. Many have declared their emissions reduction targets.

But, the climate clock is ticking.

Investors, and customers are getting more impatient. And there are a host of complexities standing between the present and the desired future. At s2e, we lend experience and creativity to help you move past those complexities to serious climate-positive action.

Our Solution

A global conversion to renewables will require mountains of new materials. But mining practices often damage the environment

System-Level Thinking

Mining decarbonization is not just an engineering problem. Our methodology anticipates a decision-making environment with multiple stakeholders to engage, brand commitments to honour, and a rapidly evolving technology landscape.

Results, not risks

We keep the risk of financing and operating the renewable energy assets on our balance sheet – not yours. So when we make a recommendation about what can and should be done, you know we’ve got skin in the game for the long term.

It’s more than just climate

Avoid rising fuel costs.

Improve community relations

Increase employee engagement

What to Expect… a “Roadmap Mindset”


While it is true that building sustainable energy infrastructure is a “project” – a “one-and-done” project mentality will not serve you as effectively as will a “Roadmap” mindset that anticipates future developments in technology, in energy costs, in buyer and investor behavior and so on.

Let’s talk

At s2e we’ve been working in renewable energy technology for decades. We have the team and resources to bring you a distinctive and easy-to-engage distributed energy solution


Tel: +1 (519) 664-3636

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